Affirms they are meant to stand out as well as fit in
Empowers them to bring their best self to the world each day while continuing to grow into who that person truly is
Teaches them that they are a leader and leaders lead themselves first
Enables them to shift their mindset from comparison to complementing
Equips them with tools for personal state management and conflict resolution
Empowers them to tap into their dreams and to dream big

Welcome to the ARISE Adventure! This will be one of the greatest adventures of your life!
We are so happy to take you on a fun journey to discover the brilliant idea behind the amazing person called – YOU. Together we will uncover hidden treasures, gifts, skills, and qualities that make up your unique design.
We will have cool activities to bring those gifts together with other people’s unique qualities, so you can work as a team and do great things.

As a leader, the first person you need to lead is yourself. So, we will demonstrate how to use special tools to help you develop leadership skills and become a positive influencer.
Get ready for fun, food, surprises, and adventure! Be sure to look for Infinity our adventure guide who will accompany us on this amazing journey. It’s time to ARISE. (Aim. Reach. Inspire. Succeed. Enrich.) Now, let’s discover the many reasons why it’s a good time to be you!

You are a leader.
Someone is admiring who you are and the way you do things. We all need people that we can look up to, right? As a leader, you will be a wonderful communicator. You will also help others work through conflict and learn how to get along well with each other. That is so important and needed in our world.

ARISE is an amazing program for our school. The pace, program layout and lessons are valuable tools for our age group. The students get the opportunity to learn about short and long term goals. They explore and reflect on character building hands-on activities. Each session builds off the other while highlighting personal growth, personal value and respect for self and others.
I believe the ARISE program gives our students a chance to self-reflect and self-examine themselves and their lives. The program showed our students that they are important, powerful, and needed in this world. The program showed them a glimpse of their greatness and their possible destinies. The program encouraged each student to ask themselves:
1. What is significant in my life?
2. What immediate, creative actions do I need to take to make that happen?
3. How can I make every day count as I move towards my desired goal?
4. What impact will I have on the world around me as I accomplish this goal?
Their responses helped them be more intentional about their life choices and helped them discover the value they have placed on their desires. Their choices revealed their priorities. The results manifest their significance in their life and their world. Ultimately, the program helps our students realize that their opportunities and possibilities are limitless.
Maite Porter
C.E. Williams Middle School North (6th Grade) Campus